Thursday, March 7, 2013

MAD cards

My experience using MAD cards was enlightening when i discovered what i would send money to if i could make a choice.  I learned that in my opinion we should donate money to the military people who have risked their lives to save our country and that the injured veterans deserve respect for what they had to go through.  I learned that the person i was working with wants to become a firefighter so he decided he would want to donate to natural disaster funds.

I hope to be able to help at least one veteran who was wounded in combat and make it so that maybe one day they can act more normal even when you will never forget the experiences that you see during war.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your thoughts, Matt; certainly a noble cause. Having come from a family with military roots, I agree that we ought to be taking care of our veterans that provide us with the freedoms to live as we do.
